Nothing tells a story like a home!

Archaeological Investigations

Tulane University, Davis and Giardano 1982-1983

In the summer of the 1982 archaeological excavations were undertaken in the northwestern courtyard area and in the west alleyways, west of the Kitchen/Quarters and the main house by TulaneUniversity. The purpose of these excavations was to salvage any archaeological data from areas which were to be impacted by the installation of a subsurface drainage system along the western side of the property. A total of fifteen units were excavated in the course of this study. Four units were placed in the alley west of the main house and four more were placed in the alleyway west of theKitchen/Quarters. One unit was placed to sample the "Cooling Pond" location in the southwest corner of the lot adjacent to the restored cistern, as reported by Shenkel in his 1977 report. Five units were on an east/west line, approximately 10 ft south of the back wall of the main house, extending from the southeast corner of the main house to approximately its centerline. The remaining unit was located inthe space between the northeast corner of the Round End Annex and the south wall of the main house.The results of this seasons excavations provided additional information of previous herringbone pavings in the courtyard and several interesting subsurface features, including a wooden lined feature of indeterminate function. The data recovered from the "Cooling Pond" unit was not conclusive to firmly establish the 1977 interpretation or to refute it and offer and alternative one. The alleyways units, dominated by intersecting builder's trenches and utility disturbances, were equally inconclusive.



